
a) Well-being of partners of individuals with Asperger's syndrome: research findings Dr Lisa Abel & Dr Vicki Bitsika, Bond University
Summary of findings.

b) Participants required: relationship experiences of both partners within neurotypical – Asperger relationship dyads.    Research now closed.

c) ...... Research now closed.

d) Life Satisfaction of Neurotypical Women in Intimate Relationship with an Asperger's Syndrome Partner: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Jennifer S. Bostock Ling, Steven R. Cumming and Anita Bundy

Some female NT partners experience a decline in mental and physical health, wellbeing and quality of life, which they attribute to the symptom expression of their partner’s AS. Feelings of loneliness, confusion, frustration, isolation and, at times, of ‘going insane’ are reported, as are disorders of mood (e.g., depression and anxiety), problems with sexual intimacy and sexual activity, and other medical complaints. Reports that the NT-AS intimate relationship is marred by the unwillingness or inability of their partner to engage in shared activities, to provide appropriate emotional support, to effectively communicate, to reciprocate, or to be spontaneous or flexible in their beliefs and behaviours and to learn from their mistakes, seem commonplace. These accounts also suggest that misunderstandings in communication are commonplace and empathy is often perceived by the NT partner as non-existent. Problematic social lives, as well as hardships resulting from financial mismanagement or their AS spouse’s inability to effectively engage in stable employment are also reported. P 96

e) Our mission at is to help educate people on the needs of children and adults enrolled in special needs education classes and the impact the disorder may have on families. Many resources for research projects are included here: 101 Noteworthy Sites on Asperger's and the Autism Spectrum: to view our article follow the link provided:

f) Conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction in individuals with an autism-spectrum disorder and their neurotypical partner…
(Bond University), ABEL, L. M. (Bond University) & DOLEY, R. (Bond University) summary of results here

Elyse McNeil, BA, PGDipPsych, is currently completing MPsychClin at Bond University (completed in April 2014). Elyse has a strong interest in the area of adult intimate relationships, eating disorders, gender and sexuality, and alternative approaches to therapy including mindfulness and energy psychology. She hopes to continue to conduct research and engage in clinical practice that benefits under-researched, under-resourced, and disadvantaged groups of society.

g) Research subjects needed for investigation of relationship experiences of individuals with Autism and their partners By Dr Lisa Abel and Dr Rebekah Doley, May, 2014    Research closed

h) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder with respect to clinical function, social cognition and maladaptive behaviour in an adult population; Ashley Stark and Dr Lisa Abel, Bond University. Subjects needed. Research closed

i) Kim Bolling, Antioch University, New England, USA, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology, is conducting a quantitative study of marital adjustment in couples in which one (or both) partners have AS or ASD to examine the marital adjustment and satisfaction in the relationship.

j) Neurodevelopmental and psychosocial risk factors in serial killers and mass murderers. Click here for a link to the attachment. Research closed
Authors: Clare S. Allely a, Helen Minnis a, Lucy Thompson a, Philip Wilson b, Christopher Gillberg c
a Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, RHSC Yorkhill, Glasgow G3 8SJ, Scotland, United Kingdom
b Centre for Rural Health, University of Aberdeen, The Centre for Health Science, Old Perth Road, Inverness IV2 3JH, Scotland, United Kingdom
c Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Violence and Aggression Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

k) removed

l) The results of the study what it is like to share early childhood parenting responsibilities with a spouse/former spouse who has autism will be presented at the 2014-2015 UMass-Boston IPMH colloquium November 5-7, 2015 by Cathryn Rench, PhD, NCC, LPC Information click here Dr Rench is author of the study When Eros meets autos: Marriage to someone with autism spectrum disorder

m) Helping Couples Manage Asperger's Syndrome by Sheryl R Braun Massey University. Click here to view the paper.

n) Research results: Asperger/Neurotypical Marital satisfaction: A Quantitative Study by Kim L Bolling Antioch University, New England USA. Click here to view the paper.

o) Context Blindness in Autism Spectrum Disorder

p) Survey: Relationship Experiences of Neurotypicals To participate please click here. Survey now closed. For results please click here.

Encuesta sobre experiencias de neurotípicos adultos que tienen, o han tenido, una relación íntima con una persona que padece, o se cree que padece, síndrome de Asperger/autismo de alto funcionamiento
haga clic aquí

q) Naomi Millar-Powell Macquarie University Relationship satisfaction, communication, social support and caregiver burden in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder featuring difficulties with socio-emotional reciprocity and communication (DSM-5, 2013). Symptoms vary among individuals therefore, some people can live independently (Hofvander et al., 2009) and develop intimate relationships. Relationship satisfaction, communication patterns, social support and caregiver burden were quantitatively assessed among ASD-neurotypical (NT) couplings. Relationship satisfaction was low and caregiver burden was high and negatively related to relationship satisfaction among NT partners. A moderating pattern related to social support was identified and themes related to caregiving, social support and communication, as well as disconnection and grief were identified in the qualitative data.

r) …The greater paradox is that even at the higher end of the spectrum or in the cases of linguistically talented individuals with Asperger syndrome, where structural language competence is intact, problems with extended language persist…

…Language is a complex multi-layered and multifaceted system. In order to interpret language appropriately, users need a number of skills. Figurative language can be even more demanding in terms of processing. It is acquired relatively late and has a complex nature, which makes it even more difficult for atypical population, such as individuals with ASD, to understand... 

…In typical language development, the acquisition of metalinguistic skills and the comprehension of figurative language seem to be achieved in childhood by the age of nine or ten years according to several authors. However, in ASD this process is typically delayed and depends on various factors, such as degree of language impairment, chronological age, context or social environment. Findings in research suggest that there is a delayed rate of development with regard to processing of ambiguity, idioms, metaphors and other types of figurative language in individuals with autism, and problems at more global levels of language structure, although performance may improve with age…

Figurative language processing in atypical populations: the ASD - NCBI

s) Asperger’s, Autism, ADD, ADHD are just labels of conditions that can be overlapping. Grace Jones Parent Herald

t) Autism and IQ - The Autism Blog - Seattle Children's Hospital

u) WISC-IV Profile in High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders ...

v) Dysregulated Breastfeeding Behaviors in Children Later Diagnosed with Autism

w) The communication “Roundabout”: Intimate relationships of adults with Asperger’s syndrome by B Wilson - ‎2017

x) Relationships, Sexuality, and Intimacy in Autism Spectrum Disorders

y) “We will never be normal”: the experience of discovering a partner has autism spectrum disorder, Laura F. Lewis University of Vermont

z) “Qualitative Study of Wives of Husbands with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Subjective Experience of Wives from Marriage to Marital Crisis